Direct Deal Brazil Fazenda Bagagem
Brazil is the largest producer of arabica coffees, an average of xxx sacks of arabica coffee per year is cultivated. It has an area of xx coffee cultivation. Coffee is the most commercialized raw material in the country and the one that has the most economic strength and influence in the internal and external markets within the coffee industry.
Brazil has biannual harvests, this means that one year produces more than the other. This year 2023 is the non-productive year. Weather is another critical factor influencing the market.
Orioli Family - Fazenda Bagagem
Felipe P. Orioli, Adriana CC Orioli, Álvaro Luiz Orioli, Lucinea de SP Orioli make up the Orioli Family at the Bagagem farm.
The Orioli family began planting their first coffee plants in 2007 at their Fazenda Bagagem. It is located in Goiás State, in the Chapada Dos Veadeiros region at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level, and has an area of 275 ha. They cultivate varieties mainly red catuaí and yellow catuaí.
Coffee has been part of the family ever since, with which they have managed to grow and be recognized as Brazilian producers of specialty and quality coffees, integrating the principles of sustainability.
In 2011, investment was made in infrastructure for processing the harvest and its drying, such as the wet system, the pulping and mucilage remover, the patio, the suspended terraces, the rotary dryers and the storage area. All this integrated allowing the production of high quality coffees.
They currently use different collection methods for different coffee profiles: mechanical and manual. Drying can also be done in a patio or on raised beds. Once the cherry is collected, they proceed to processing, depending on the desired profile, they use three types of process: the natural process, shelled cherry and honey microlots and experimental fermentations.
In 2017 the first results appeared, they were awarded as the best coffee in the Midwest region by the "26th Illy Coffee Awards" . The award was a recognition of the effort to produce quality coffee in the region.
In 2018 the farm obtained the UTZ and Rainforest Sustainability certification that recognizes all sustainable practices during production.
In 2019 they obtained the certification of; specialty coffee producers by the BSCA of Brazilian Special Coffee.
In 2020 they began with direct trade to foreign trade and inaugurated their representation for direct sales to roasters in Portugal, Lisbon.
Trike Koffee Roasters & Oriol Family
Our relationship with the Orioli Family begins in 2021. Where we identify with its values of traceability, direct treatment, product quality, care for its processes, sustainable responsibility and human relationship.
Orioli coffee is a perfect ingredient for our Fresh Fruit blend, which gives it notes of chocolate, caramel, raisins, with a round body.
The price